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Dec. 2nd-Principal's Math Tests-1st-6th grade

Dec. 5th-5th&6th Band Rehearsal at OHS.

Dec. 5th-Elementary Beginning & Intermediate Band Concert @6:30-7:00 PM-OHS New Gym

Dec. 6th-Progress Reports sent home

Dec. 6th-Kindness Crew Meeting

Dec. 9th-Slime the Principal's (Jog Award)

Dec. 12th-Elementary Choir Winter Concert @ 6:00-6:30 PM-Magnolia Auditorium

Dec 13th-Extra Recess (Jog Award)-All grades

Dec. 13th-PTC Family Holiday Event-6:00-9:00 PM -Magnolia

Dec. 16th-Gold Star Math Tests

Dec. 16th-OJUSD Board Meeting @ 6:30 PM at the 331 Hinkley Ave. Oakdale

Dec. 20th-Special Spirit Day-Pajama Day

Dec. 20th-Minimum Day-All TK attend in the AM from 7:50-11:15 AM/   K-6 attend 7:50-11:40 AM

Dec. 20th-TK Gingerbread Performance





Click here to learn about the OJUSD Expanded Learning Program. You can access your EZ Child Track account here.




Destiny Discover


December Character Trait-GENEROSITY

Be kind and helpful

Think of other people

Give freely of your time, energy, or resources

Treat others as you would like to be treated

A Place Where Students and Learning Come First